Monday 15 June 2020

My Journey moving to a new country - 4º Primary Jazlon

Hello, my name is Jazlon, and I am going to share with you my journey about moving to a new country. First, let’s start at the beginning, finding out that we were moving

When my parents first discussed moving to Spain I was very surprised. But it also sounded very exciting. After talking about it more and after we started to share the news with people, I became a little bit nervous. After all, I have lived my whole life in a town named Missoula. Missoula is in the state of Montana in the United States of America.

In June of 2019, we came to Barcelona for the first time to check out the city. When we first arrived in Barcelona it was very late at night, but the next day when we left our Airbnb to explore the city, I was excited. I was also a bit nervous because there were soo many people and the city was very busy. You see there are more than 2 times the amount of people living in the city of Barcelona than living in the whole state of Montana. But as we explored the city and visited some schools we enjoyed the sunny weather, the fun beach and we even got to rent some electric scooters. We had a great week. 

After our week we went back to Montana to finish packing up and say our goodbyes. This was a very sad time for me. It was not easy saying goodbye to my friends and family. 

Officially heading to Spain! 
In late August of 2019, we officially took off for Spain. When we arrived we stayed in a hotel for two and a half weeks while we looked around for an apartment. This was fun, and the hotel had a yummy breakfast buffet that I got to eat every morning. Finally, a few days before school started we found an apartment in Espluges de Llobregat. I like our apartment, it has two bathrooms, a balcony and a really big terrace you can see the sea from. 

Soon it was time to start school. I have never had to wear a uniform to school before, and I was very nervous about my first day. The first couple of days went okay, but then I was stung by a bee and had a very bad reaction. I had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance. I was very nervous to go back to school because I didn’t want it to happen again. I was also embarrassed because I was new and everyone was asking if I was the girl who got stung by the bee because no one knew my name. 

The next several months have had many ups and downs. It has been hard making new friends, adjusting to a new culture, and a different language. I have also had to make up a whole year of school because last year I was in second grade, but this year here in Spain I am in fourth grade. I have really missed all of my friends and family back in Montana. I also really missed the snow over the winter. I really like to go sledding and play in the snow!
Missoula in the Summer!

Missoula in the Winter!

But living in Spain also has a fun side. I enjoy exploring the city and visiting the beach. I have also been able to travel to other places while living here such as; London, Paris, several cities in Germany, Edinburgh, and tour the Highlands of Scotland. (Where I got to play in the snow!) 

Overall my time in Spain has been very interesting, and I am learning a lot, but I can't wait to move back home so I can get a dog or two!

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